Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences (JMSS)

Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences is an academic journal with the aim to publish original article, review articles and book review about the integration of the multidisciplinary knowledge to develop into new valuable and useful knowledge in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences and other related field such as Education, Communication Art, Business and Tourism. The Journal is published triannually, with the first issue covering the months of January to April, the second issue covers May to August, and the third issue covers September to December. The journal is published online ( Those who are interest can submit the manuscripts via ScholarOne system. All the manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences must be plagiarism free and has never been published or submitted elsewhere unless the manuscript was published in another language and has permission from the journal. Before being published, the manuscripts must be peer reviewed by at least 2 specialized reviewers via double blinded review system. All manuscripts accepted for publication are copyrighted by Suan Dusit University; reproduction, in whole or in part, requires written approval from Suan Dusit Unversity. Excluding errors incurred during the printing process, all content contained within articles is the author's responsibility.

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